Choose Hardisty!
For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Hardisty School is full in planned classes in Kindergarten (Community and Logos), Grades 1-2 Community, Grade 6 Community, Grade 5-6 Logos Christian program AND Grades 8 and 9 in the Community and Logos Christian programs. We will no longer accept Kindergarten, Grades 5, 6, 8 and 9 enrolment requests in the Logos Christian program. For the regular program, we will now only accept resident students for Kindergarten, Grades 1, Grade 2, Grades 8 and 9 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have newly moved into the school’s attendance area. A resident student of Edmonton Public Schools has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic. Non-resident students can enroll in another Division school with space in planned classes.
Welcome to the Hardisty Website!
As a staff, we are committed to serving our students and their families to the best of our abilities. Our goal is to create a community where:
- we see everyone as a learner - children and adults alike
- we face challenges by working to support our students and engage them in building the skills they need to succeed
- we engage in clear and consistent communication with home, not only to inform, but also to seek input into how we can best meet the needs of our students
- we are committed to continuous improvement in order to provide the highest quality education to our students and most effective services to our families
3 R’s
At Hardisty, our 3R’s - Respect, Responsibility, Relationships are front and center in our minds and hearts. You will see this commitment, not only in the halls on posters, but in our daily work. It is not simply an expectation for students but it serves as a basis for our decision making and how we interact as a school community. Students, staff and parents are encouraged to show respect regardless of the actions of others, take responsibility for the learning and actions and to work to build relationships that create a positive, supportive and caring learning environment for all.
We are home to 5 Division Programs that support the communities we serve. There are two K - 9 programs:
Community: This program serves families in the greater Hardisty are for regular Kindergarten to Grade 9 programming. We are open to registration for any students within our attendance area and beyond.
Logos Christian: This EPSB alternative program is a non-denominational, evangelical faith-based program that incorporates Christian teachings into the Alberta Program of Studies. The program is open to students throughout the city and is served by a designated Transportation Service Area for all grades. The program features daily devotions and prayer in every classroom, biblical verse memorization, monthly chapels and worship for all students and several special events for students such as City Wide Chapel and Faith Day. There is no fee to attend this program and it is supported by the Logos Society of Edmonton. Please check their website at
Interactions: Hardisty hosts this Division Center program for students in Grade 7 - 9 diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Individual Support Program: Hardisty hosts this Division Centre program for students in grade 1 - 9 with several physical/medical disabilities.
Extensions Program - Hardisty hosts this Division Centre program for students in Grade 3-9 with advanced intellectual abilities who are achieving at a level much higher than their current grade.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Complementary Courses
Hornet Athletics - want sports? We’ve got it! Hardisty successfully participates in the Division’s athletics leagues in all sports - outdoor and indoor soccer, basketball, volleyball, badminton and track and field for our Junior High students. Our running club is open to our students in grades 4 -6.
Second Languages - Students are enrolled in French from grades 4 - 9.
Fine Arts - Art, Band, Music, Drama! We’ve got it! Our K-6 students participate in Music classes, our 4,5 and 6 classes have a choir and handbell ensemble, and our Junior High Band program is AWESOME! We also have a strong Art program throughout the grades and a Drama Club for students in grade 7 - 9.
We also offer Leadership, Fitness and Active Living, Technology, Food Studies and Construction.
Please feel free to call us at 780 469 0426, email to
We are also on Instagram! Check us out @hardistyepsb